June 20, 2013


Photo Credit: Devin Hayward Photography

Tuesday was our anniversary. We have been married for two years now! Yay! I would marvel, "I can't believe it's been that long," but actually, I can believe it. These two years have been long and full in the very best sense. We have traveled a lot, finished college, worked several different jobs and even moved to a new place. It's been busy! I love doing life with Josh. He is generous and spontaneous, always looking ahead with optimism and creativity.

Josh also builds me up. This past year, he's encouraged me to grow in confidence and to keep on singing. He even bought me a beautiful little guitar for our anniversary! I was floored! (I tried to teach myself during high school, but gave up after learning a handful of chords.) Last night, I sat in the bedroom and spent over an hour on this website, practicing chord changes and singing made-up melodies until my fingers ached and my heart was full.

I have no idea what this coming year will bring, but I'm excited to take it on with my best friend. To year three!