May 31, 2012

When fear strikes

It is a chilly, rainy day here in Chicago.  I am at home, using my only sick day, taking long naps interrupted by comically urgent hustles to the bathroom.  Josh left for a trip last night.  I have spent evenings away from him before, but last night was different, stark, restless.  I laid in the dark for hours before finally dozing off around four o'clock.  A night like that will make you feel pretty pathetic.  Something about that empty bed knotted anxiety inside me, and I was beleaguered by the realization that, if this arrangement were not temporary, and Josh never came back, I just couldn't do it.  I couldn't go on alone.

Last night was a brutal reminder of how easily I succumb to fear.  I battle a dark distrust of my God, a paralyzing anxiety that He will rip Josh from my life at any time, leaving me alone with a gaping emptiness.  If I lost him, would I cling to my God, or curse His name?  Would I press on, or would I crumble to pieces in an empty bed?

When the world comes crashing down around my feet
And I can't see ten feet in front of me
Jesus, I know that You are strong when I am weak
So please help me allow You to be my everything

No matter what this day will bring, I will lift my hands and sing
Oh, be my everything
I'll make my life an offering, in You alone I believe
Oh, be my everything

- Everything by Telecast

Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief.


  1. so beautifully honest. feel better sweet girl. xo

  2. Aw, feel better, Faith! Just drink gatorade. Apparently it's a cure-all according to Annie's doctors as well as mine! And it sucks having someone pulled out of your life. Thankfully God is good, strong, and dependable. I pray you'll never have to experience something like that.

    1. Thanks, Andrea! I hope so, too. We miss you here in Chicago!

  3. I have very similiar worries, I can get quite paranoid about losing my're not alone in wondering whether you'd cling to God or push him away. Hope you're better! xx

    1. Thanks! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my moments of paranoia! God is truly gracious in our weakest moments.


Thank you!