January 6, 2011

Quiet Days

The spring semester has yet to begin!  Though my every evening is spent at work, my mornings are filled with sleep and quiet lounging.  Free time is lovely, and I am trying to savor it.

(I am addicted to Panera sandwiches.)  Both of my roommates have returned to Chicago, and the apartment feels normal again.  I relish alone time, but it is admittedly wonderful to be greeted by two sweet friends when I walk in the door!

All those dishes... we are definitely back to normal!  Despite my general laziness, I demonstrated mild productivity by ordering some textbooks.  They arrived from Amazon (in six packages) yesterday.

Isn't that an awesome reading list?  The literature course is designed to study the "idea of forbidden knowledge and how uncontained curiosity can lead to the monstrous." It will be undoubtedly interesting, and I am stoked!


  1. oh, i am definitely trying to savor my last week of relaxation, too. i'm so not ready to get back to full-time school!

    i, too, have a panera addiction. i have eaten there twice this week! goodbye extra money!

  2. I love that you started a blog! And your reading list, my, my, my. There are some classics in there. Amy did a paper on Frankenstein's author. So let me know which book ends up being your favorite!

  3. whoa, what an interesting literature course!
    where are you in school at?

  4. Cups of tea and quiet mornings are my favorite.

  5. Beautiful pictures, and super interesting lit class! Sounds fun!

  6. i've read knowledge of the holy like 3 times and i'm STILL amazed when i re-read and get so much out of it. it's amazing.

  7. I just graduated with a degree in English Literature and Paradise Lost & Frankenstein were (surprisingly) two of my favorite reads throughout my entire college experience. Heart of Darkness, not so much... but that's just me. You may enjoy it. =)


Thank you!