January 23, 2011


I rented a Nixon D70 this afternoon.  And it was one of the most frustrating, exhilarating afternoons of my life.  To begin the journey, I spent an hour alone with the user manual and my photography textbook, desperately trying to grasp the basics of manual exposure settings.

(These are little books I made for my middle school girls at youth group!)

I eventually ventured out into the freezing cold for a photo spree.  I stopped at numerous corners, squinting through my viewfinder and haphazardly scrolling the aperture and shutter speed wheels.  It was so much fun.

These are only a handful of my shots today.  They are amateur, to be sure, and I had to delete over half of my exposures (some were embarrassingly awful!).  However, the Nikon and I became well-acquainted today, and I cannot wait for our next date!


  1. Wow! How fun! I love to go exploring with my camera, although I certainly don't have one that nice! Pretty pics!

  2. You're doing great! I love the bed photo.

  3. I've had my DSLR for months now and am still getting the hang of it. My advice? Spend more time playing with the camera than reading the manual. Learning how to use the camera is important, but learning as you practice is just as beneficial. It has been for me at least! ;)

  4. Just found your blog!

    I love the books you made your girls! I am just starting with a new small group and that would be so fun to give them!!

    And...I married my high school sweetheart too!!!

    We MUST be blog friends! :)


  5. I LOVE all of these pictures! The notebooks for your youth girls are darling! I may have to steel that idea. :)

  6. thank you so much for your comment on my blog! :) your blog here is lovely and i saw that you attend moody! i've visited a couple of times- what a beautiful campus. anywhoo, i'll be adding your blog to my favorites..


  7. Looks like you are getting the hand of it! Some lovely photos you got there. I took a photography class this summer, so I know what you mean by "frustrating and exhilarating." Keep up the good work!

  8. 3rd photo from the bottom of the brick wall...INCREDIBLE! Look at how the lines in the layers of bricks force your eye t follow. If you put a person against that brick wall {about 2 inches from the edge of the photo} it would be so great! The eye would be drawn to the subject because of the lines. FANTASTIC!!!

    And great depth of field with the bed shot! =]


Thank you!