September 26, 2011

The Ocean Blues

Today, this is where I want to be.

Living in Chicago with my husband and dear friends is spectacular, but coastal North Carolina will always have a special place in my heart.

After long, sweaty shifts at Panera, I would hop in my car and drive to the island.  After changing into a swimsuit inside a grungy public restroom, I would mosey down to the water and spread out my towel.  Sipping a cherry limeade and listening to music was pure relaxation.  Pure bliss.

Oddly enough, I miss the sand that would peskily get lodged in my cell phone.  I miss the painful sunburns and the frustration of forgetting my sunglasses.

The beach is beautiful, and I think I took it for granted.


  1. Near waters of any sort (rivers, lakes, oceans...) is my favorite place to be.

  2. going to the beach at lake michigan is like that for me. i grew up going to the beach in honduras {on the caribbean}, so while i love lake beaches, they're just not the same.

    i didn't know you were from north carolina - how fun! my pen pal is from there and i have been dying to visit for years.

  3. i never go to the beach really out here in California but I definitely love the fact that it is nearby... JUST IN CASE.
    silly girls we can be.
    love the memory share :)

    god bless!


  4. I love the beach.. Being stuck in the cornfields i dont get a chance to indulge that love! booo i say lol

  5. These pictures are beautiful! And I miss the beach, too.

  6. We tend to take things for granted until we lose them. Not much of a beach person myself, but I do appreciate their beauty.

    Fickle Cattle

  7. you are close enough to lake michigan! girl, come visit and I will show you beaches that will make you swoon :)

    side note: husband and I are probably moving to myrtle beach, SC for at least three months here in two weeks!

  8. are you from north carolina?
    I'm from SC!
    the beach is definitely something I take for granted, too.

    pretty pictures, faith!

  9. I was going to say the same thing as Becca (she's my sister). Didn't know you were from NC. I MISS the real ocean, salt water and sand too. I know you have Lake Michigan but I get it, it's not the same!

  10. Loved it!
    Now that I live far from the ocean it's when I realized how amazing it was...


Thank you!