August 23, 2012


Remember when I cut my hair in October? I am growing it back out, and I'm trying to do it the right way. So, I've been conditioning it well, avoiding the blow dryer when I can, and getting a trim every 10-12 weeks.

Look at how long it used to be! This was taken on our honeymoon last year. I miss you, hair.

Yesterday, I came home from my trim at the salon and had this conversation with Josh. (I was really happy with how my bangs and layers looked!)
"Do you like my haircut?  You probably can't tell the difference, but I can!"
"Yeah, I can!"
"Really?!  I'm so impressed!  Yay!"
"Yeah, it's really, really smooth and less frizzy.  It looks nice!"
"Less frizzy." He meant well. (Why are you so expensive, Moroccan oil? Apparently, I need you in my life.)


  1. haha! love your convo with Josh, boys rarely get it ;) I'm growing my hair out too...I love long locks!

  2. hey, him noticing your hair is definitely something to celebrate! i cut 5 inches the other month and the mister didn't notice at all. sad face, ha.
    i didn't know that by not blow drying your hair it can grow faster!!!
    xo TJ

    1. TJ, that is so true! 5 inches... that is a big change! I'm actually unsure if avoiding the blow dryer helps the hair to grow faster, but it definitely keeps my hair more healthy-looking and (wait for it!) "less frizzy." ;)

  3. Ha ha I might have had the same "frizzy" comment happen to me...but for good reason. How long is your hair now?
    Does Moroccan Oil really work magic? I've heard such good things!

    1. My hair now hangs just below my collar bone. It's getting there! :) My stylist uses Moroccan oil on my hair every time I visit the salon. She applies it while my hair is wet, then blows it out, and it's done. No flat iron or anything!


Thank you!