January 13, 2011

Mail Time

Josh and I received several Target gift cards for Christmas.  (We created our wedding registry there.)  I had asserted with fierce frugality, "We will save these cards for June," but $6.00 for a pair of shoes is rather irresistible.

The box arrived yesterday, a welcome treasure amidst the steady influx of used textbooks.  Oh, of course, assigned reading is fascinating and beneficial, but I occasionally lapse into a shameful fit of excitement over material things.

This week has been a flurry of activity, moving from one class to another, to work, to the ATM, to youth group at my beloved church in the suburbs.  Have I mentioned that I am unduly blessed?

I am studying the book of Genesis, the book of Romans, photography, drama, and forbidden knowledge in literature.  My professors are brilliant and engaging, and I often sit shell-shocked as my presuppositions are blasted into oblivion.  My readers, rest assured that I know nothing, and that I deserve less than nothing.  My education is precious, an undeserved crown, and I intend to write to you more intelligently.

I blog about snowfalls and thrift shops, Chicago and Christmas decorations, but of what importance are these things?  Why do I take pictures and post narcissistic blurbs about my fleeting existence? The things of God deserve more mention than my daily doings.  I am quite negligible, but He... He is enchantingly beautiful.  Christ haunts me with His faithfulness, pursues me with intensity, and His Word sharply slices through my delusions of grandeur.

On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand 


  1. just found your lovely little blog :)

  2. That's a great $6 investment you made, and that hymn is one of my classic faves, right along with "It is Well With My Soul"... awesomeness.

  3. snow is God's creation :)

  4. what a beautifully written post. those shoes are darling! and for only $6! what a steal.

  5. "Christ haunts me with His faithfulness, pursues me with intensity, and His Word sharply slices through my delusions of grandeur."

    (Is it weird that I have this scribbled on a post-it on my desk now?)

    Thank you for sharing... I think what is so hauntingly beautiful about this is that He pursues us with intensity in spite of ourselves. We get caught up in thrift shops and snowfalls and he loves us just the same. Such an incredible God we serve.

  6. the solid rock! and cute lil tennis shoes ;)

    I like it. such a daily-life kinda thing :)

  7. Moody! I would love it if my husband and I could study there!

    Wonderful post. I'm excited to read more about your "sojourning" in the faith...it is quite an adventure!

  8. And then there were tears. Why am I such a baby when it comes to reading things from others about God and his abiding truth, love and grace?

    I loved it. The 2 paragraph post, I loved so much that I will now read it again.

    Thank you.

  9. Those red shoes are the bomb! I really like them :)

  10. have you heard shane and shane's version of that song? love it. and cool mailbox shot!

  11. Those shoes are so adorable, I would have bought them too! Target always has the best sales. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  12. wow, that's so true and powerful
    I'm so glad I found a Christian blog, definitley following you.

    Sara xx

  13. Those shoes are too cute! I have similar ones in navy blue but haven't been able to wear them in ages because of the freezing cold weather. Sigh...


Thank you!